Manufacturers and builders of quality static wooden stables, permanent stable blocks, mobile shelters, mobile field shelters, american barns, tack rooms, pony boxes, foaling boxes, corner boxes, hay barns, loose boxes, equestrian buildings, stores and associated timber buildings for over twenty-five years.

Rubber Matting
We now stock good quality rubber stable floor matting.
At 17mm thick they are ‘the heavy ones’ with a dimple top finish and a fluted underside to assist with any drainage.
Size is 1840mm x 1220mm (6ft x 4ft)
Price: Due to spiralling costs please ask for current price and availability.
A local delivery and fitting service is available, at a nominal cost
We can currently only offer a local delivery service within 40 miles of our works at Hartfield, East Sussex. Further distance by quotation.
If ordering new stables or mobile units from us please contact us as we may be able to offer a special inclusive price.
Call us on
01342 824117
Email us at
Or use our
Enquiry Form
Transform your building
with a roof refurbishment.
Contact us for details now
>>>> 01342 824117 <<<<